School Uniform

School uniform is worn at St Leonards by all pupils in Years 1-11.
A smart, clean and presentable appearance is encouraged at all times.
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The St Leonards Parents’ Association runs a Second Hand Uniform Shop on site at St Leonards. Opening times are communicated in the termly calendars and weekly Diary Dates. You can contact the Second Hand Uniform Shop at
Please note, up-to-date uniform, sports kit and stationery lists are shared with all families prior to arrival, with the main updates made during the summer holidays.

Sixth Form Dress Code
Students in Years 12 and 13 wear Sixth Form suits in place of school uniform. This ‘business dress’ encourages independence as pupils reach their final years at St Leonards. A Sixth Form Dress Code is shared with all families prior to arrival and all students must adhere to this.

Contact us for more information about our School Uniform