About Us

Simon Brian
At St Leonards we are proud of our School’s pioneering educational heritage. We offer a unique and inspirational education, with a strong focus on preparing our pupils Ad Vitam, for life. Education at our school, from Kindergarten to Year 13, is underpinned by the forward-looking, globally-recognised International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, where pupils develop skills which equip them for the years ahead. Through the blend of our outstanding academic programme for learning and teaching, our wealth of sporting and co-curricular activities, and our passion for exceptional pastoral care, our boarding and day pupils complete their journey at St Leonards ready for success, at university, in the world of work, and beyond.
Our curriculum is unparallelled. It is designed such that young people develop both their academic strengths and their weaknesses, work collaboratively, are forever inquisitive and develop a real sense of purpose in their lives. We are a vibrant, globally-minded community, a school that is forward-thinking and innovative, yet steeped in history and tradition. We are a school where pupils become lifelong learners, and make lifelong friendships.
As Head, I am delighted to lead St Leonards as it continues to flourish; I extend to you the warmest of invitations to visit us, and to learn about life at St Leonards.

Our Strategic Focus
St Leonards has been at the forefront of pioneering education since it was founded in 1877. As we look forward to celebrating our 150th anniversary in 2027, we remain focused on our fundamental purpose: to educate young people for life.
This is Our Strategic Focus for St Leonards, for 2023-2027, which outlines our purpose, our vision, our mission, our learner values and our areas of focus between now and the School’s anniversary year.